
AGM calendar

This page shows the dates of the top 100 JSE-listed companies’ upcoming AGMs.*

Round-ups of the AGMs Just Share has attended, summarising key issues relating to governance, inequality, and climate change can be found here, or by clicking on the company name in the table below. The company’s minutes of the previous meeting are provided if Just Share attended the AGM and they have been publicly disclosed.

JSE codeCompany nameAGM dateStatusAGM formatDisclosure of minutes of previous AGM
CLSClicks Group Limited30/01/2025ConfirmedIn-person onlyNot publicly available on company website
NTCNetcare Limited07/02/2025ConfirmedElectronic-only
SAPSappi Limited05/02/2025ConfirmedHybrid
OCEOceana Group Limited06/02/2025TBC2024 AGM: in-person only
BAWBarloworld Limited21/02/2025ConfirmedElectronic-only
RDFRedefine Properties Limited13/02/2025ConfirmedElectronic-only
CMLCoronation Fund Managers18/02/2025ConfirmedElectronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
SPPSPAR Group Limited28/02/2025ConfirmedHybridMinutes of 2024 AGM
LHCLife Healthcare Group Holdings Limited22/02/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
RLOReunert Limited22/02/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
TBSTiger Brands Limited22/02/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
PPHPepkor Holdings Limited07/03/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
TCPTransaction Capital Limited09/03/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
GLNGlencore Plc23/04/2025TBCTBC
BTIBritish American Tobacco Plc24/04/2025TBCTBC
ANHAnheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV24/04/2025TBCTBC
HMNHammerson Plc25/04/2025TBCTBC
AGLAnglo American Plc30/04/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
MNPMondi Plc04/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
JSEJSE Limited07/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridMinutes of 2023 AGM
SUISun International Limited08/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: in-person only
AMSAnglo American Platinum Limited09/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
LTELighthouse Properties Plc14/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
NRPNEPI Rockcastle NV14/05/2025TBCTBC
QLTQuilter Plc23/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
EXXExxaro Resources Limited23/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
ACLArcelorMittal South Africa Limited24/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
MTNMTN Group Limited24/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
CPICapitec Bank Holdings Limited31/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
TXTTextainer Group Holdings Limited26/05/2025TBCTBC
SSWSibanye Stillwater Limited28/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
ANGAnglo Gold Ashanti Limited28/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
SNTSantam Limited28/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
AFEAECI Limited28/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
GFIGold Fields Limited30/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
KIOKumba Iron Ore Limited28/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
NEDNedbank Group Limited31/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridMinutes of 2023 AGM
OMUOld Mutual Limited31/05/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyMinutes of 2023 AGM
ABGAbsa Group Limited04/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
ADHADvTECH Limited05/06/20252024 AGM: hybrid
TGAThungela Resources Limited04/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
SLMSanlam05/06/2025 TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
SBKStandard Bank Group Limited10/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
APHAlphamin Resources Corporation19/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
RESResilient Reit Limited20/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
GTCGlobe Trade Centre S.A.26/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: in person-only
SRESirius Real Estate Limited28/06/2025TBC2024 AGM: in person-only
BYIBytes Technology Group Plc11/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
VODVodacom Group Limited17/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
KSTPSG Financial Services Limited22/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
NY1Ninety One Limited
25/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
N91Ninety One Plc25/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
DCPDis-Chem Pharmacies Limited31/07/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
INLInvestec Limited08/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridMinutes of 2023 AGM
INPInvestec Plc08/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridMinutes of 2023 AGM
AFTAfrimat Limited06/08/2025TBC2024: in person-only
TFGThe Foschini Group Limited09/08/2025TBCTBCNot publicly available on company website
EQUEquites Property Fund Limited17/08/2025TBC2023 AGM: hybrid
PRXProsus NV21/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
TKGTelkom SA SOC Limited21/08/2025TBC2023 AGM: hybrid
NPNNaspers Limited25/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-only
PIKPick n Pay Stores Limited27/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyMinutes of 2023 AGM
MCGMultiChoice Group Limited28/08/2025TBC2023 AGM: in person-only
HCIHosken Consolidated Investments Limited29/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybrid
MRPMr Price Group Limited29/08/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
RNIReinet Investments30/08/2025TBCTBC
VKEVukile Property Fund Limited01/09/2025TBCTBC
CFRCompagnie Financière Richemont SA07/09/2025TBCTBC
OMNOmnia Holdings Limited21/09/2025TBCTBC
TSGTsogo Sun Gaming Limited21/09/2025TBCTBC
NPHNortham Platinum Holdings Limited25/10/2025TBCTBC
S32South32 Limited27/10/2025TBCTBC
NHMNortham Platinum Limited28/10/2025TBCTBC
IMPImpala Platinum Holdings Limited30/10/2025TBCTBC
AVIAVI Limited31/10/2025TBCTBC
BHGBHP Group Limited11/01/2025TBCTBC
KAPKAP Industrial Holdings Limited11/01/2025TBCTBC
MTHMotus Holdings Ltd11/02/2025TBCTBC
TRUTruworths International Limited07/03/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
RMIRand Merchant Investment Holdings Limited11/08/2025TBCTBC
ITEItaltile Limited11/11/2025TBCTBC
SHPShoprite Holdings Limited11/11/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyMinutes of 2023 AGM
SOLSasol Limited15/11/2025TBC2024 AGM: electronic-onlyNot publicly available on company website
BIDBid Corporation Limited16/11/2025TBCTBC
RCLRCL Foods Limited16/11/2025TBCTBC
WHLWoolworths Holdings Limited25/11/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridMinutes of 2023 AGM
DSYDiscovery Limited21/11/2025TBCTBCNot publicly available on company website
PANPan African Resources plc23/11/2025TBCTBC
WBOWilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon Limited23/11/2025TBCTBC
MTMMomentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited24/11/2025TBCTBC
HYPHyprop Investments Limited25/11/2025TBCTBC
BVTThe Bidvest Group Limited25/11/2025TBCTBC
OUTOUTsurance Holdings Limited26/11/2025TBCTBC
SPGSuper Group Limited28/11/2025TBCTBC
DRDDRDGOLD Limited29/11/2025TBCTBC
GRTGrowthpoint Properties Limited29/11/2025TBCTBC
HARHarmony Gold Mining Company Limited29/11/2025TBCTBC
FSRFirstRand Limited29/11/2025TBC2024 AGM: hybridNot publicly available on company website
REMRemgro Limited30/11/2025TBCTBC
ARIAfrican Rainbow Minerals Limited01/12/2025TBCTBC
FFAFortress REIT Limited01/12/2025TBCTBC
MSPMAS Real Estate Inc07/12/2025TBCTBC
APNAspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited07/12/2025TBCTBC

*This list is updated periodically to reflect the top 100 JSE-listed companies by market capitalisation. It was last updated in May 2024.

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Account type Business PAYU
Branch code 10134000
Branch name CPT Western Suburbs Metro BB

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