Exposing lobbying & greenwashing

The impacts of climate change are already disproportionately felt by poor and marginalised communities, compounding poverty, inequality and unemployment.

It is crucial that we urgently achieve policy alignment to support a just transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient, sustainable and inclusive economy.  

However, the global policy response to climate change has been weak and inadequate, and a key reason for this is unprecedented lobbying, by the fossil fuel industry and its related industry associations, to weaken, delay and oppose climate-related regulation. This has cost governments significant time and the benefit of financial flows which might have been applied to further mitigation and adaptation strategies. 

Greenwashing is the practice of creating the impression that an entity cares deeply about sustainability, when it is in fact continuing with business as usual. Because it creates a false impression that action is being taken, greenwashing threatens our ability to achieve the urgent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

We work to expose corporate lobbying and greenwashing that undermines climate action, and to encourage positive climate engagement by companies and financial institutions.

Make a donation

Our work is only possible with the generous support of philanthropic funding and individual donations, which are tax deductible.

Every contribution helps us to keep doing what we do. Please consider making a donation and becoming part of the movement working to build a more just, equal and sustainable country.

Please email us at donate@justshare.org.za to request a section 18A Tax Certificate.

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Bank Nedbank
Account number 1172492603
Account type Business PAYU
Branch code 10134000
Branch name CPT Western Suburbs Metro BB

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