We’re hiring!

Just Share is recruiting a programme director, a communications manager, and a climate risk analyst. Please share these roles with your networks!

Applications close 13 February 2024.

Programme Director

We are looking for a committed, effective leader to support the executive director in managing a growing team and coordinating strategies and workplans to achieve strategic objectives. The Programme Director will contribute to the growth and development of Just Share’s climate, inequality, and governance programmes, managing and overseeing the programme planning and delivery and ensuring alignment with the organisation’s strategic objectives. The Programme Director will be a member of Just Share’s senior leadership team.

Visit Programme Director (actionappointments.co.za) for full details and how to apply.

Communications Manager

We are looking for an enterprising, enthusiastic communications specialist to manage our strategic communications and grow our digital media presence. The Communications Manager will work with the whole Just Share team in developing and implementing our strategic communication strategy (including social and digital media), managing relationships with the media, overseeing our online presence and monitoring impact and effectiveness. We will consider either a permanent employee or a long-term consulting agreement.

Visit Communications Manager (anchorexec.co.za) for full details and how to apply.

Climate Risk Analyst

We are looking for a dedicated, diligent analyst to support our climate change programme. Reporting to the Director: Climate Change Engagement, the Climate Risk Analyst will conduct independent, in-depth research and analysis of climate risk in relation to JSE-listed companies and their investors and monitor and track the implementation of legal requirements and voluntary commitments. The position is for an excellent researcher and analyst, with an in-depth and up-to-date understanding of current issues relating to the just energy transition, a sophisticated grasp of the impacts of corporate power, and the ability to assimilate and communicate complex information in a manner that is compelling and understandable to a general audience.

Visit Climate Risk Analyst (actionappointments.co.za) for full details and how to apply.

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Make a donation

Our work is only possible with the generous support of philanthropic funding and individual donations, which are tax deductible.

Every contribution helps us to keep doing what we do. Please consider making a donation and becoming part of the movement working to build a more just, equal and sustainable country.

Please email us at donate@justshare.org.za to request a section 18A Tax Certificate.

Donate via EFT Below are our bank details
Bank Nedbank
Account number 1172492603
Account type Business PAYU
Branch code 10134000
Branch name CPT Western Suburbs Metro BB

Scan the QR code below in your SnapScan mobile app to complete the payment